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I am a dancer, tango teacher and milonguera, born in Buenos Aires. I started dancing tango in 2005 as a game and quickly tango became a way of life. In 2009 I decided to dedicate myself professionally to this dance and started teaching in 2012.

I graduated as a tango dance instructor in 2013 at CETBA (Centro Educativo de Tango de Buenos Aires), and I have a degree in Dance Pedagogy in Germany. In my 17 years with tango I have had the opportunity to take classes with masters of traditional tango, tango nuevo and queer tango so I manage both roles; and although my personal search is for a more traditional style, I use elements of all styles when teaching my classes. 

I have successfully organized milongas both in Buenos Aires and Berlin, among them La Domilonga Tango Club, which I organized simultaneously in both cities between 2012 and 2020. 

Since 2018 I have been living in Berlin, where I teach tango at the Tangotanzen macht Schön school, and I often travel to Buenos Aires to continue my training, both for work and for love of my roots.

I continued my training as a dancer and teacher. I took classes with Aurora Lubiz, Natalia Games and Gabriel Angió and at the Mariposita Tango school of Carolina Bonaventura. In my 17 years with tango I had the opportunity to take classes with teachers of traditional tango, tango nuevo and queer tango so I manage both roles. I remember that when I started I had no idea of all the variants and styles, it was a matter of going from teacher to teacher and see what happened, until I got to know more and discovered that ballroom tango is my true passion, and although my personal search is for a more traditional style, I use elements of all styles when teaching my classes.


I participated in exhibitions and classes at the Tango Queer Buenos Aires and Barcelona festivals. And in 2019 I won second place in the tango and milonga categories at the Gay Games in Paris.


In 2018 I moved to Berlin and I started working at the school "Tangotanzen macht Schön", one of the biggest in Berlin. Since then I have been giving regular classes and organising practices and milongas there. I also continued my education and research in dance and obtained a degree in dance pedagogy in Germany. 


Tango crossed my path 18 years ago and has given me many of the most beautiful sensations I have ever experienced. It is the companion that is always with me, it is the party, it is the neighbourhood that travels with me around the world, and I would like to share my experience, anecdotes and knowledge with you.

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